F2F Class Notes (Celeste)

Dear Jason and Yoyo mama,

Since Yoyo has been at SE since June, she has improved little by little which is natural and normal for her age.

Two months ago, I needed to speak mostly Chinese with her to help her understand and now I’m speaking more English.

I focus a lot on review of past material like prepositions (on, under, in front of, behind…) and new simple vocabulary. I do not want her to memorize what I put in her notes, her notes are for you to see what I am teaching.

Her learning is done in class when she and I talk to each other but I don’t type everything that we talk about.

For her classes, I would like her to bring 1 book and 1 toy that she likes.  The book will help her pronunciation and reading comprehension. The toy will interest her to speak more to me or the teacher about something that she likes and this way we can learn more vocabulary that is relevant to her life.

Let me know if you have any questions, thank you,