F2F Class Notes (Brian)


Write a short story about how you will get from Los Angeles to San Francisco.


Speeding ticket– A penalty issued to drivers who drive above the speed limit
ex: My husband got a speeding ticket today

MPH (miles per hour)- The measurement used for speed in the USA
ex: The speed limit is 50 MPH

Pull over“- A phrase used to mean moving your car away from the driving lanes
ex: Please pull over your car to the side of the road

Organic– A more healthier version of a food like fruits and vegetables

Fast lane– The left lane of an interstate highway in the USA
ex: Drivers in the fast lane should drive the recommended speed limit

Shoulder– The area on the side of the driving lanes
ex: If your car has a problem, you should park it on the shoulder

Highway– The interstate road system
ex: You must drive on Highway 1 to go to San Francisco