F2F Class Notes (Ben) [S]


They also haven’t completed work

Speaking exercise

One of them go to gym. One of them for for swimming. Another one go to have a drink with his friends.

And me go to study. Even our work are very busy but we still consist / persist to arrange some personal time for ourself.

The work atmosphere is healthy. All of them are work hard and play hard. And they will separate the personal life and the work life very clear. It’s one of good advantages for me.

I want to talk something can make me relax.

Most time we are honest. You will absorb 100% in work. Also you don’t have time to be unhappy.
One thing made me unhappy today in the work.

We have a project happened in last year and we should pay to the third party before this year March according to our contract. But our finance department delayed the payment over 3 months. We had urged them for many times but they never respond to our request. So that third party complained a lot in the Wechat group chat, which the group including our client.

So my boss worried about it for this issue, but today she was also very busy, so she asked me to urge finance again.

Our client paid attention on this issue. When do you complete this payment.

And he said very impatient and with a little angry, which made me uncomfortable.

It’s very embarrass for me because it’s the first time I touch this person. Finance is very important to business department. If we don’t keep in good relationship, with each other, will leave serious problem. And I also complained about this thing to my boss, she recommended me to write an email and CC our big boss to know this.

One of them went to the gym. One of them went swimming. Another one went to have a drink with his friends.

And I went to study. Even if our work is very busy, we still insist on having (personal) time for ourselves.

The work atmosphere is healthy. All of my colleagues are work hard and play hard. And they separate their personal life and their work life very clearly. It’s a good thing for me.

I want to talk about something that can make me relax.

Most of the time we are loyal to work. We will be 100% absorbed in work. Also we don’t have time to be unhappy.

One thing made me unhappy today at work.

We had a project last year and we should have paid a third party before March of this year according to our contract. But our finance department delayed the payment for over 3 months.

We had urged them to complete the payment many times but they never responded to our requests. So that third party complained a lot in the Wechat group chat, which included our client and my boss.

So my boss worried about this issue, but today she was also very busy, so she asked me to ‘press’ finance again.

Our client paid attention to this issue.
When will you complete this payment ?

And he answered me / spoke to me very impatiently and with a little anger, which made me uncomfortable.

It’s very embarrassing for me because it’s the first time I contact this person.

Finance is very important to business departments. If we don’t keep a good relationship (with each other), it will create serious problems.

And I also complained about this thing to my boss. She recommended me to write an email and CC our big boss to let him know about this.


countable nouns: meeting

  • A
  • THE
  • MY
  • -S

keep doing
insist on doing
I insisted on going back home, but the boss kept me working.

talk something –>
talk about something

most time –>
most of the time

in last year –>
last year

The project took 10 years, from 2000 to 2010.
2010 was the last year (of the project)
2016 was last year.

pay to someone –>
pay someone
Where’s my money? Pay me !

this year March –>
March of this year