F2F Class Notes (Ben)


content = 内容

When you translate a text, you often pay attention to the grammar and vocabulary but not a lot to the content.

combination skin = skin that combines dryness and oiliness

sensitive skin = skin that gets injuries or rashes easily

rash = strong itches that often turn red 疱疹

a moustache = a fine line of hair under your nose

a beard = all the hair of from your nose to your to your neck

serum = essence = the most important part of a liquid

ultraviolet rays = 紫外线

Sunscreen blocks ultraviolet rays.

File attached: How to take care of your hair

HIGH HOLD Fiber wax Gel, Glue
very strong hold, medium to high shine plastic-like, for highschoolers. Forget it
Paste wax Pomade wax
good for long hair, thin and wavy hair strong hold, high shine
doesn’t harden but gets slightly tacky  
LOW HOLD Putty wax Pomade
suits all hairstyles most are water-based, oil-based: hard to wash out
medium hold, low to medium shine very varied. Some have high hold
Clay wax, Sebum Mousse
add thickness, great for volume harder than cream, therefore less moisturizing
lightweight, won’t weigh hair down wet effect, volume-enhancing
good for sensitive scalps and hair growth good for curly, thin or balding hair
conditions, moisturizing Cream = Lotion
Bentonite (volcanic ash)= clumpy, leaves residue long, frizzy, flyaway hair
Rhassoul= less drying moisturizing, pre-styling product
  (these are all waxes)  
Hair care 洗发护发 Adjectives drinking water 清水 qing1shui3
Shampoo 洗发露 Anti-cuticle 去角质
Conditioner 润发乳 rinse chong1
vitamin 维他命 wei2ta1ming4 rinse 把xx冲干净 chong1 gan1jing4
Body 身体 bareer, protective screen 屏障 ping2zhang4 rinse 清洗 qing1xi3
Shower gel 沐浴露 fresh 清新 qing1xin1
Exfoliator 去死皮 take orally (pill) 口服 kou3fu2
Moisturizer 润肤乳 保湿露 confer 赋予 fu4yu3 爸爸妈妈赋予我们生命 inattentive 不慎 bu4shen4
Body Lotion 润肤露 bright and smooth 莹润 ying2run4
Body Milk 润肤乳 comfortable 舒适 shu1shi4 to place at 置于 zhi4yu2
Body Moisturizer 润肤乳 shady & cool 阴凉 yin1liang2
Body Cream 润肤膏 润肤霜 lime 青柠 qing1ning2
extract (money, essence) 提取 ti2qu3 提取存款 a shady place 阴凉处 yin1liang2 chu4
Face clean 洁净 jie2jing4 Please keep in a shady place
Cleanser 洁面乳 come from 源自,来自 yuan2zi4 请(把xx)置于阴凉处保存。
Face wash 洗面乳 smell, flavour 气息 qi4xi1 请置 xx 于阴凉处保存。
Toner soothe 怡神 yi2shen2
Exfoliator 去死皮
Sun screen 防晒乳 the soothing and natural smell of lemon 源自青柠的自然怡神气息
3-bedroom apartment 三居室的房子 ju1shi4
Deodorant 香体露 止汗喷雾 除臭喷雾
Mask 面膜 add, increase 增添 zeng1tian1
Lip balm 润唇膏 joyful 愉悦 yu2yue4
carefree 畅快 chang4kuai4
distinctive 特有
composition 成分
help 有助,有助于
an appropriate amount 适量 shi4liang4
rub cuo1
to massage rou2
to rub & massage 搓揉 cuo1rou2
to smear 涂抹 tu2mo3