F2F Class Notes (Ben)


She can’t understood à She couldn’t understand

The movie is encouraging

Let your daughter to watch the movie à Let your daughter watch the movie

No some specific reason à There is no specific reason. / They didn’t give any specific reason.

I’m not sure how long about this lesson à I’m not sure how long this lesson


in the mood
I’m not in the mood to study English yet.

Can you…?
Could you…?
Would you mind…?

Could you open the window for me, please?

Extend = make one part of your body longer
When you do fencing, extend your arm first and then step forward.

Positive / negative

Do you know what you are going to talk about?

a slippery slope = a situation that can become very bad very fast
Gambling is a slippery slope.
Doing drugs is a slippery slope.

go downhill = become worse and worse
After I lost my job, my wife left me and my situation went downhill.

go bankrupt = not be able to repay your debts
The company went bankrupt and everyone was fired.
After I lost my job, everything went downhill and my wife and I got bankrupt.


The day before yesterday I had a message from my colleagues. The message is her aunt was died and the reason is that what she had a lot of pressure because she should take care of her grandchildren and go to work every day and wash their room or cooking food for her son and husband.

Her aunt was 6-8 years (six-eight) old. I think her son is really inresponsible because when his mother ask him to do something, to help their family, he always said ‘I don’t care’. Actually, they had good condition before. They have more than 2 house in Shanghai and her husband has a good business but that situation became bad since her husband and son gambled, then they became bad.

So I think if they can control or educate their son, maybe they couldn’t become bad.

Even they sell two houses, couldn’t finish that.

The day before yesterday I had a message from one of my colleagues.
She said her aunt had died and the reason was that she had had a lot of pressure because she had to take care of her grandchildren and go to work every day and clean their room or cook food for her son and husband.

The aunt was 68 years (sixty-eight) old. I think her son is really irresponsible because when his mother asked him to do something, to help their family, he always said ‘I don’t care’. Actually, they had a good situation before.

They had more than 2 houses in Shanghai and her husband had a good business but that situation became bad since her husband and son had started gambling. Then their situation went downhill.

So I think if they could control or educate their son, maybe they wouldn’t become bad.

They even sold two houses but they couldn’t pay their debts.