F2F Class Notes (Ashleigh)


Wheel: 轮

Broke: 坏了

IE:The wheel on my suitcase broke so I will have to get a new one.

Fix: 修

ie: She helped me fix my suitcase. Now I don’t have to get a new one!

Resign: 辞职

ie: It was not long before she decided to resign from her horrible job.

Keep in contact:

ie: We still keep in contact even though we haven’t seen each other for 2 years.


ie: Meeting her was one of the highlights of my trip.

Architecture: 建筑

ie: I was amazed by the brilliant architecture in Belgrade.

Carefree: 轻松

ie: I wish I could have a carefree lifestyle like an influencer.

Joyful: 愉悦

ie: Your mom will be so joyful when she finds out you are pregnant with a girl!


Dressed up as [something]

ie: Every year she dresses up as a cat for halloween. She is clearly too lazy to think of anything else.

Returning to [a place]

ie: We continued to hangout after returning to Shanghai.


I really like this trip because I’m very interested in history stories. There are local guide who tell us stories about the sights. Compared with reading book the guide’s story is more real and alive. Serbia the city is very built. The lifestyle there is very happy. For example in the evening they will watch the game broadcast together at the outdoor football field. They will also have drink and chat with friends at the bar. I also saw a Serbia wedding. Everyone danced on the lawn and was very happy.


I really liked this trip because I’m very interested in history stories. There are was a local guide who tell told us stories about the sights. Compared with stories in a book, the guide’s story stories is felt more real and alive. Serbia Belgrade is a very built modern city. The lifestyle there is very carefree happy. For example, in the evening they will watch the game broadcast together at the outdoor football field. They will also have drink and chat with friends at the bar after work. I also saw a Serbian wedding. Everyone danced on the lawn and was very joyful happy.