F2F Class Notes (Ashleigh)


Horoscope sign

ie: What is your horoscope sign? My horoscope sign is a scorpio.


ie: It took me a long time to recover from my illness.

ie: It did not take me a long time to recover


Open Air- 露天

ie: This sunny weather is perfect to visit an open air shopping complex.

Compatible: Suitable

ie: After the first date you should keep hanging out to see if you two are compatible.

Go Clubbing– 蹦迪

ie: You should invite the girl you like to go clubbing with us!

Attribute [属性]

ie: It is hard to meet someone who is both “lively” and “quiet” because those two attributes do not normally go together.

Interdisciplinary: To be comprised of multiple disciplines [学科]

She completed an interdisciplinary major in politics and economics.

Music Festival -音乐节


Politics- 政治


Lively- 活泼


In what way [在哪些方面。。。]

ie: In what way do you find yourself incompatible with “party girls”?

在哪些方面感觉自己和party girl不合适?


I think this is so tired–I think this is so tiring

My score about politics was so low – I got really low scores in politics

I was very painful– I was very hurt

We were just after the sports. So the heart beats so fast so fall in love with each other.


When we met each other, We just finished jogging. were just after the sports. So the Our hearts were beating so fast that we  beats so fast so fall fell in love with each other.