F2F Class Notes April 5th (Ben)[W]

Writing exercise


My mother and my father are common parents. They as same as other parents. They all loves me.
The deepest memory about my father is my weeding day . There is one of weeding spousal is bride father have a speech to all relatives and friends. My father prepared that and improved speech. But when the host let my father to have his beginning , my father was nervous and can’t say any words, just told us enjoy tonight. I understand my father, i know him. He didn’t good at express, my father always did everything instead of watching or speaking. So my father told me when you want to do everything before you must have a plan.Sometimes I didn’t agree that, everything you think about more, you will be hesitate. If you want to have a trip, you can’t say go you go . Anyway I love my daddy, although I like my dad and have a little hesitated. The weeding day is a big day for me and about my father’s speech is a deep memory in my head.
About my mother ,she is very capable. she can deal with everything about our big family and keeps optimist. The deep memory in my childhood is my mother’s cooking . Until now I prefer to eat at home more than go outside.

Edited version

My mother and my father are common parents. They are the same as other parents. They all love me.
The deepest memory about my father is my wedding day . There is one of wedding moment when the bride‘s father has a speech to all relatives and friends.

My father prepared that and tried to give his speech without his notes. But when the host let my father to have his beginning , my father was nervous and couldn’t say any words, he just told us to enjoy the night.

I understand my father, I know him. He isn’t good at expressing himself, my father always acts instead of watching or speaking. So my father told me “if you want to do anything, you must first have a plan.”

Sometimes I didn’t agree with that in the past, everything you think about more, you will be hesitate. If you want to have a trip, you can’t say go you go . Anyway I love my daddy, although I like my dad and have a little hesitated. The wedding day is a big day for me and about my father’s speech is a deep memory in my head.
About my mother ,she is very capable. she can deal with everything about our big family and keeps optimist. The deep memory in my childhood is my mother’s cooking . Until now I prefer to eat at home more than go outside.

  1. one clause has one subject and one verb
  2. 从句能这样开始: that, where, when, who, why, how, which, whose
  3. Try to keep the same tense 时态 for all verbs. 换时态要说清楚为什么、或加时间表示 (eg. in the past)
  4. 形容词 –> verb “be”

weeding –> wedding

They loves –> They love

He have –> He has

let someone to do –> let someone do = Let me see ! Let me try !

tell someone do –> tell someone to do = I told him to get out.

I do happy. I don’t good. –> I am happy. I am not good.

do everything = 费九牛二虎之力 I did everything to get this job.


there 那边

here 这里

There is more good food around Jingan Temple than Shanghai Stadium.