F2F Class Notes (Andy)


Let me get something straight 把某事弄清楚 …

The other thing I want to clear up right away

What does the phrase mean: Men are from Mars, women are from Venus!


overtime. 加班时间 I don’t have to work any overtime in my job.

sissy. (effeminate man) 女里女气的男人

clear up right away = to make sure that there are no misunderstandings 误解

breadwinner 挣钱养家的人

macho 大男子气的

stereotype  模式化的人


I ate Shanghai Dumplings, and egg and tomato rice. What did you eat? I ate egg dumplings.

What makes you fall asleep easily? These make me fall asleep easily:

  • watching a movie
  • reading a book
  • listening to soft music
  • drinking alcohol
  • A long, hard day at work.

I could kill for a cup of tea! [not literally]


Journal. 日记  | BrE ˈdʒəːn(ə)l, AmE ˈdʒərnl |
