F2F Class Notes (Andy)



it was my first time getting drunk in my apartment.

to eat/drink/exercise in moderation 适量进食/饮酒/锻炼

binge. a lot in a short amount of time

binge-drinking / binge-drinker

binge-watch| bɪn(d)ʒˈwɒtʃ | verb
we binge-watched the entire season 

vice. noun. (bad habit) 恶习

I have been living in Shanghai for five years.

food court. noun. an area in a shopping mall where fast-food outlets are located.

renovate, renovation. under renovation 在翻修中

genre. noun. 体裁   TV / MOVIES / MUSIC

sitcom uncountable(genre) 情景喜剧 

subtitles. noun. 字幕

It takes me about / around 20 minutes to get here from my office.

Only a few people get the chance to learn Kung-Fu at the famous school in Shandong.

stereotype. (person) 模式化的人

Some people say don’t stereotype.

opposites attract 相异相吸