F2F Class Notes (Ally)[W]


linear: one-way

cliche: too classic

Writing exercise

On the significance of failures

Had Edison not failed thousands of times, there wouldn’t be light bulbs. Had Marie Curie not failed thousands of times, she would not have abstracted radium. Had Nobel not failed hundreds of times, he wouldn’t have invented Nitroglycerine. Failure never fails to remind us of its significance. My reasons are as follows.

Firstly, failures help us learn. If we fail, we realize our weaknesses. To overcome these weaknesses, we learn. Take a look at students. There is hardly a student who won’t make mistakes in studying. However, making mistakes and correcting them make the students better learners. There is also a saying that goes, “Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.” What is “fail better”? It means we can learn from each failure and be nearer and nearer to our goals. So if you are met with failures, don’t worry. Learn from them and you are already on the right track. 

Secondly, failures build up our willpower. It is likely that when we fail, we feel frustrated. But once we defeat failures, we become stronger. Therefore, I recommend those who fail should cheer up and stick to their goal. Be positive. Think of failures as a gift, which only come to guide our way and make us strong-willed.


On the significance of failures

Had Edison not failed thousands of times, there wouldn’t be light bulbs. (Scientific breakthroughs, like electricity, are not made over night. Brilliant minds struggle over one failed experiment after for years on end. Scientists pour over useless repots….. for decades. Of those years, only some would be successful, others would all fail. )Had Marie Curie not failed thousands of times, she would not have abstracted radium. Had Nobel not failed hundreds of times, he wouldn’t have invented Nitroglycerine. (However, failure never fails to remind us of its significance. -> failure is always the other side of success; without one, we would never achieve the other./ Failure is always the first stepping stone to success; they are important to us in many ways.)

Firstly, failures help us learn. Because in order to improve/be better at anything and everything, we must first recognize/identify our weaknesses, and failing is the quickest way to do so. Then, to overcome these weaknesses, we learn. Take a look at my students. There is hardly a student in the world who never makes mistakes. However, making mistakes and correcting them make the students better learners. There is also a saying that goes, “Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.” So/But what is “fail better”? I think it means that with each and every failure, no matter how small or embarrassing or ugly, we come one step closer to our dreams. <— we can learn from each failure and get closer and closer to our goals. So if you are met with failures, don’t worry, embrace them and “try, try again”. Learn from them and you are already on the right track. 

Secondly, failures shape our characters/strengthen our willpower. It is likely that when we fail, we feel frustrated. But once we defeat failures, we become stronger people. Therefore, I recommend those who fail should cheer up and never give up on their goals. Even if you don’t get there/to your expected destination in the end, you would only be in a better place than where you started/go further than where you started. Be positive. Think of failures as a gift, which only come to guide our way and make us more strong-willed.