F2F Class Notes (Ally)[S/W]


Read a piece of news and write down your thoughts.


break up: fen shou
ie. You should break up with your boyfriend because he always cheats on you/his gf./he is a cheater.

break: po huai
ie. My cell phone broke down. (for big, tech things)

broke: (adj) po chan, very poor
ie. I am broke(adj) so I can’t afford Lily’s birthday present.
ie. My computer is broken by my brother./because my brother broke(v) it.

cheat on: chu gui
ie. My neighbor’s husband cheated on her with a gold-digging bitch.

cheat: zuo bi (v)
ie. The student who cheated on his test committed suicide.

probability: gai lv
ie. The probability of Trump winning is still very high.

possibility: keneng xing
ie. There is a large possibility that Trump will win.

cook (person) / chef (good cook): chu shi
ie. He’s a good cook/sous-chef. (2nd chef)


join – a group, and you want to be a part of the group
ie. I want to join your family now that I married your son.
ie. We’re dancing together, do you want to join us?/join in?

join in – participate
ie. We’re having a party, do you want to join in?

“at the request”
– “The entire office is at your service” – 整个office都待命为您æœåŠ¡

“time limit” = 时间é™åˆ¶
“time is limited” = 时间是有é™çš„

“tired of” :  you don’t like this thing anymore, long-term, fact about you
“tired from” : a state right now
ie. I’m tired of our classes. -> I don’t like you and I don’t want to take classes with you anymore.
ie. I’m tired from our classes. -> Just tired, sleepy today… need rest

Speaking exercise

Because of a time limit…
Because time is limited .. Because I didn’t have a lot of free time …

If I could share some family spending, I could comfortably to use the rest of the money.
If I could take care of/do my part in our family spending, I …use the rest of the money.

“I’m here till 9, which is the time/when SE closes.”

Writing exercise

doubt: question (v and n)

V: She always doubts my work.
N: There is a lot of doubt always on my mind.

swell: (v) (n)swelling

V: My face swelled up last week because of my tooth extraction./the dentist took out my tooth.
N: There is a swelling on the left side of my face after my tooth extraction.
ADJ: My face was swollen after my tooth extraction.

understated: dan ya de

adj:I like these understated clothes.
V: She understated her sadness after she broke up with her boyfriend.

understatement: opposite of exaggeration (v)understate

It’s an understatement that our winning probability is 50%.

exaggeration: kua zhang (n)  (v)exaggerate

N: He told me his story without any exaggeration.
V: He didn’t exaggerate at all when he told me his story./in his story.
V: She always likes to exaggerate the actual difficulties she faces.

low threshold for pain: nai – teng, you can accept a lot of pain

You need a high threshold for pain in order to go through plastic surgery. (zheng rong)

realign: é‡æ–°å¯¹é½ (n) realignment

V: Our company realigned the organization last month since global company’s request changed./at the request of the company.
N: The realignment of our company which was finished by last month was based on the global company’s request.

My spending and my salary are lopsided.

well-known: lots of people know it
I want to join this well-known pharmaceutical company.

manageable: able to be managed… still under control

Don’t worry, the current situation is manageable, so you can relax for a while.

sleeve: xiu zi

The design of the dress sleeve is special. / sleeves of this dress..