F2F Class Notes (Ally)[S]


referral: recommendation
ie. I have a referral from Judy.

nepotism: 裙带关系
ie. Nepotism is a common act in China.

confiscate: (尤指作为惩罚) 没收
ie. Ally confiscated Cecily’s phone.

handicapped: can ji
ie. Cecily feels handicapped without her phone

emerge: chu xian = come up
ie. An opportunity emerged without us knowing.


“explore our options” – women zai kankan

“an idea/inspiration just came to me”

“stepping stone”

“pull some strings” – zhao guan xi
ie. He pulled some strings to get me in.

“take baby steps”  – you can’t get there at once, step by step

“easier said than done”

Speaking exercise

graduated from my master degree
graduated from my master’s
got my master’s degree

education background/degree is not the most important reason to give you a job
education background/degree is not the most important factor HR considers
education background/degree is not the most important factor when you’re looking for a job.

I found a job not satisfied. Then, to earn some work experience.
I found a job which was not satisfying, but I can/to earn some work exp.

it’s kind of your ability -> it’s like your ability
it’s like a kind of ability -> it’s another type/category of ability

We need focus on to sustain of nature.
We need to focus on the sustainability of nature.

Even after he quit his job, his influence in the company sustained.
After Ally left home, she can no longer sustain her previous standard of living.

Q: An important decision you’ve made
A: The important decision just came up, the decision I made for my first study for my master’s degree. I decided to study overseas, it’s important for me because I’m not that young at that time to study abroad. And my friend and my parents, they didn’t support me because they think I need to get married and have a stable life. But I think if I didn’t to go out side I will probably not have opportunities to follow my heart or do this anymore in the future. I think I made a right decision. Because there are several years after graduation, I haven’t used Eng in a long time. So Eng level is kind of decreased.


A: An idea just came to me – the decision I made to further study in abroad/the UK. I decided to study overseas. It’s important for/to me because I was not that young at that time to study abroad. And my friend and my parents didn’t support me because they thought I needed to get married and have a stable life. But I think if I didn’t explore my options in the world I would probably miss out on/lose opportunities to follow my heart or do this in the future. I think I made a right decision. Because in the years after graduation, I hadn’t been using Eng in a long time. So my Eng level was decreasing./So I kind of forgot some of my English.


because – no “er” – cause – becuz

company – really pronounce the “p”
