F2F Class Notes (Ally)[S]


superior: (person)shang ji/shang ceng  (adj) gao ji de, pin zhi gao de
ie. I’m will be busy when my superiors come back form HZ.

appropriate: he shi de
ie. Can you give me an appropriate answer?
ie. Can you answer me appropriately(adv)?

candidates: xuan shou /shen qing ren
ie. He is not a good candidate for this job position.


– event: must have tense
– fact: must not have tense

most- adj – general
– most people

most of – how much of a group
– most of the class… most of the world..

mostly (adv) – in front of sentence/idea or near verb/adj
ie. Mostly, I’m just glad to see Christy.
ie. Christy works mostly with overseas clients.
ie. I’m mostly busy because I have a new project.
ie. I mostly work at the office everyday./I mostly worked in the office on Friday.

“Nice to meet you” = for first time
“Good/nice to see you again” = other times

How – method or liang or zen me yang
– “How is work?” “How much work do you have” “How do you work?”

– S: does the V
– V: main idea
– O: the V happen to O
– only 1 main verb per idea.
– other ideas/info ?  use prep.
– Your V must match S and O –  can the S do V? can V happen to O?

“You don’t have a lot of people to answer to” – you don’t have to work for a lot people/not too many superiors

Speaking exercise

I felt freedom this week, because mostly colleagues to HZ join in the gallery/exhibition.
I felt free(adj)/a sense of freedom, because most of my colleagues went to HZ to join the gallery/exhibition./are in HZ for the gallery.

My decision was to interview for the airline company in 2016. There were many people at the interview in my memory, because my major is airline service, I decided to interview for the airline companies. Firstly, I remember that I needed/had to dress up/wear appropriate clothes and prepare for the interview about introducing/on introducing myself, and how to better stand and smile friendly. I felt nervous on that day. People walked into the classroom in groups of 10/People formed groups of ten and walked into the classroom and stood in an area, one by one to introduce themselves. Then the teacher can answer your questions. Finally, they gave you a mark/they pick the best candidates. If you pass the first interview, then you will face the second one/round.

The second interview is to choose/pick the best candidates out of everyone at the interview/the people who passed the first round. If you pass the second interview, you can finally do the body check with lots of medical tools.