F2F Class Notes (Ally)[S]


Make sentences with the new vocabulary


mixer: party for newcomers to introduce each other (for work)

eyesight: shi li

torture: zhe mo


go away: zou kai
ie. Go away Laura, you’re so annoying.

scenery: feng jing
ie. The scenery is wonderful.

paradise:(for vacation) 乐园(指美好的环境 heaven

concrete (adj): set, planned, must-follow


“This is heaven” “This is the dream” “He is the dream” “Feels like heaven”

I think you shouldn’t -> I don’t think you should
I think she is not the one -> I don’t think she’s the one

*When you’re translating, translate the logic, not the exact words , or you’ll get Chinglish
– choose the verb; do you mean the concept or the action? ie. walk vs leave, speak vs say…
The girl who just left said that English is difficult.
Answer my question now.

speak say talk use – “shuo”
– speak + language or volume (action of speaking)
ie. Can you speak up a little bit? / keep your voice down
– say + meaning/idea …
ie. What are you saying? <– What do you mean?
– talk (communicate) *with
ie. I want to talk to you/ I want to speak with you -> one-way, I don’t really care about what you have to say
– use +grammar…
ie. I want to use longer sentences/grammar …

Speaking exercise

Q: Where do you want to go when you get the opportunity? = Tell me about the place you would most like to visit.
A: I think the place is New Zealand. There are a lot of beautiful place. I just want to travel around there… beautiful sea beautiful environment. I have never been there before. I saw my friend’s photos about New Zealand. It’s very beautiful. I saw a lot of pictures from my friend’s photos, in which there are lots of beautiful views such like sea, sky, road, and so on… The air quality is good.
A: I think the place (you’re asking about) is New Zealand. There are a lot of beautiful sceneries. I don’t have any concrete plans for my vacation in New Zeland, I would be happy to just walk around and look at the beautiful sea and the beautiful environment. Even though I have never been there before, I have seen the place from my friend’s we chat moments. It’s very beautiful. From my friend’s photos, in which there are lots of beautiful views such like sea, sky, road, and so on… New Zealand looks like a place of paradise. The air quality is better than that of SH.

The girl who just left said that English is difficult.

Answer my question quickly.
Answer my question now.

I think that you should quit yoga,  it’s better for you to do wight-training.

I underestimated how much he doesn’t want to go to prison.

I asked for a cup of specialty from the bartender.
I asked the bartender for their specialty.

Her specialty is handling computer issues.
She specializes in computer issues.


New Zealand = lind


issues – > i+shoes


under, not ander

under -esti-mate

handle , not hendle, Hand+dle

ally apple


and(bigger) end