F2F Class Notes (Ally)


client: 客户

escape: tao tuo

tense: jin de
ie. The relationship between China and the US is still very tense
ie. He was very tense in our first class.

baby stroller: baby cart

line up: pai dui

overwhelmed: 感情或感觉) 充溢,难以禁受; 压倒; 击败; 征服; 压垮; 使应接不暇;
ie. If I didn’t bring any work, my colleague will be overwhelmed.
I will be busier than I expected (to be).

skyrocket: increase suddenly/greatly like a rocket launch

domestic: within the country

trendy: hong , in fashion

crowd: a lot of people in the same place
ie. The crowd cheered for Kris Wu.

crowded: (adj)  yong ji
ie. The subway was very crowded.

Speaking exercise

There is a business structure./model/mode different from general company.
Our business model is different from that(the model) of a general company.
We have a business model that’s different from that of a general company.

but sometimes I still use the wrong word
…. I still have some confusions (<– ).
I’m still confused/mixed up.

Kris Wu’s hot looks are a benchmark in the entertainment industry.

Her birthday is on the 28th.

I applied for my annual leave.
I asked for/used/requested my annual leave.

My husband carried her.

maybe it’s both of our ideas.

who did you hand her off to?

Even though I had a holiday, I felt tired/pressured/busy/occupied. (choose the antonym of the adj)
… I didn’t feel relaxed. (NO on the first V, not on the adj)

I have already been here 30 minutes. (time duration)
I have been here since 4:45.

Sometimes when I want to get off work, my boss come here suddenly…
Sometimes when I’m just leaving/just about to leave work, my boss would come up to me suddenly…

People couldn’t get out of China
couldn’t go abroad


month = m+on+th

“it made you nervous” = it may +ju+ nervous

immediately – i-me-di-ate-ly

choice/ chance = cho+ee+s , cha+n+s