F2F Class Notes (Ally)

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Some products are cheaper in Sanya.


set/settle: ding xia lai
ie. Lily keeps changing boyfriends because she doesn’t want to settle down yet.

spray: pen wu (v and n)
ie. I think the spray which everybody dislikes is good.
ie. Stop spraying me using/with the water gun.

discriminate: qi shi
ie. Discrimination hurts our society.

fair: fair-skinned (bai pi)  adj- pretty/gong ping
ie. We have to be fair to everyone.

cosmetic: having to do with the face
ie. She got a cosmetic surgery.

serum/concentrate: (n) jing hua/nong suo
ie. I bought a brightening serum yesterday.

brighten: to make something bright

hoard: tun
ie. During the virus situation, lots of people hoarded food and masks.


“with”  – specific tool
ie. cut the chicken with a knife

or – “and” for neg sentences
– I don’t like A or B.
– I don’t like A and B together<— different meaning

Speaking exercise

She is good at social(adj) activities.
She is good at socializing (n).
She knows how to socialize with her co-workers.

Both racism (race (n) racist (person)) and regional discrimination are bad.
We shouldn’t discriminate based on region or race.

placed order / out of stock

Some products which were bought from Sanya are cheaper. <– You already bought them
Some products are cheaper in Sanya.
