F2F Class Notes (Ally)


polygamous: adj of polygamy
ie. He was in a polygamous marriage.

set in stone (adj): fixed, never change, always have been and always will be
ie. The American-Canadian friendship is set in stone.

pick-up lines: 搭讪
ie. He had a a very bad pick-up line. (It’s)No wonder he’s still single.

trumps:打过 defeat
ie. Natural disasters like COVID-19 trumps political considerations.

playful: not serious
ie. The dog didn’t mean to bite you; he was just being playful.

deviated: grew in another direction (from the appropriate way)
ie. Nowadays, values and opinions deviates a lot from the traditional ones.

defects: 缺陷 something that’s not normal/right
ie. The poor baby had some birth defects.
ie. The machine had some defects.

hassle: trouble
ie. It’s a big hassle for me to take the transfer flight.

considerate: adj for not considering other people
ie. We hope that all the leadership teams can be considerate towards their employees.

shrewd: 精于盘算的
ie. There is a common stereotype that Jewish people are shrewd.

set sb off: ignite someone = piss them off = make them angry
ie. During the meeting last night, a colleague set the French colleagues off./set off the French colleagues.
ie. It really sets me off when you speak to me in that tone.

talking-to: (noun) for something bad sb did
ie. Did your colleague get a talking-to from your boss?


romantic relationships: love relationships

Speaking exercise

most of the medicine related to surgical needs/surgery-related medicine…

Why such bad writing could be published in the website?
Why could such bad writing be/was such bad writing published on a website?


The fact that the Utah state has always been one of the places in United States where the polygamy still alive is very well known in our country and thanks to that there are a few TV series that are exploiting this topic/phenomenon.