F2F Class Notes (Ally)


comparison: 比较,对比

convert: 转换

stampede: 踩踏


furthermore:此外; 而且; 再者

succinct: 简明的; 言简意赅的

reside: 定居


ways to say because:
due to: must be followed by noun (often use due to the fact that … )
as: less direct 因果
since: because

Speaking exercise

Q:Tell me about yourself and your job. Why do you want to learn English?

A: My name is Freda and my job is consumer engagement. I work in Estee Lauder company. I come to here because I want to practice my speaking because I will use a lot of English in my work. And I will talk to our global team by Skype meeting twice a week and have a lot of communication with them.

Edited: My name is Freda and I work in consumer engagement, at the Estee Lauder company. I come here because I want to practice my speaking/due to the fact that my work requires a lot of English/since I use a lot of English in my work. Furthermore/also/in addition, I talk to our global team by Skype meeting twice a week and communicate with them a lot as well.

Q: How do you like SH? Would you recommend it to a newcomer like me? Do you have another city in China that you like? How is it compared to SH?

A: I think SH is the most beautiful and fashionable city in China. It more suitable for fashionable young girls just like you. There are many Western coffee shops here. The weather here is better than that in BJ, so I think SH is more suitable for you to live/reside here. Another busy city in China is BJ, but I don’t like BJ as much as SH. BJ is bigger than SH, and I feel there are too many people in BJ. I am afraid of the crowded environment in the subway or on the bus. And I think BJ is dirtier than SH, and the air quality is very bad there. It’s more dry – too dry for me. When wake up, my throat feels uncomfortable.