F2F Class Notes (Alex) (S-W)


Use some of the vocabulary from today in some writing. Choose a topic that lets you use the words we learned.

Topic: talk about your first year in Shanghai, how you eased into your new life here

Speaking exercise

Topic: tell me about an event / a period of time in your life that shaped you as a person.

Yesterday I had a performance review with my manager and he told me that I’m that person with that strong personality and sometimes even very proud. Sometimes I’m very challenging and difficult to be managed. So I just think over why I became like this. I told him that you know during my working experience each my boss have the same feeling as you have now. First I think I’m not upset and I’m happy that through all these years of working I have still been keeping my personality. I still cannot find a specific period of time that shaped me like that. I need some time to think over it.


Yesterday I had a performance review with my manager and he told me that I’m the kind of person with a strong personality and sometimes can even be very proud / arrogant. Sometimes I’m very challenging and difficult to be managed. So I’ve been thinking over why I became like this. I told him “you know during my working experience, all my bosses had the same feeling as you have now.” First I think I’m not upset and I’m happy that through all these years of working I have been keeping my personality. I still cannot find a specific period of time that shaped me like this. I need some time to think over it.


docile = of someone who does whatever he’s asked to do / easy to manage
eg. Freshmen are always more docile..

assertive = not afraid to challenge others, to go for what you want, not afraid to disagree with other people
eg. She is very assertive, she’s not afraid to challenge the boss during meetings.

ease into = blend into, adapt to a new situation
eg. It’s easier to ease into a new job when you’re young


“happy” usually is for people, not things

this TV show is very happy – this TV show makes you happy / is really fun / is very light-hearted
my day is very happy – I feel happy today

you still say things like: a happy event, happy birthday, a happy moment