F2F Class Notes (Alex)


working hours

e.g. My working hours are 9am to 5pm

choose 选择


I’m very busy, I have a lot of things to do

before / after

I brush my teeth after I wake up and before I go to sleep

after 之后

before 之前

after I wake up 起床之后

before I sleep 睡前

wash the dishes 洗完

start = begin

e.g : the lesson starts at 2 and finishes at 3

breakfast = the meal you eat in the morning

I like eggs and milk for breakfast

dinner = the meal you eat in the evening

e.g. I want beef and rice for dinner

brush my teeth 刷牙

e.g. I brush my teeth every morning

wash my hands 洗手

e.g. You need to wash your hands before dinner

take a shower 洗澡

e.g. I need to take a shower before I go to bed