F2F Class Notes (Aileen)


Write a short story about the differences between dating a Chinese and foreign man.


long-distance relationship 远距离恋爱

elementary school 小学

love at first sight 一见钟情

caucasian 白人

pilot license 飞行员执照

sunscreen 防晒油

typical 典型的

cheat on you 欺骗你,跟别人乱来

obedient 听话

considerate 体贴

aggressive 挑衅的

proactive 主动

passive 被动

talk in circles 兜圈子

straight-forward 直接

annoying 很烦人

You are getting on my nerves 你好烦欧!

that sucks, that’s bad; that’s not good

work-related stress 工作压力

It’s not that I’m not happy, I just have a lot of work-related stress.

I just have a lot things on my mind. 我脑子里有很多事情。

It’s not you. It’s work. 不是你的问题,是工作。

Stereotype, stereotypical. 刻板印象

Good reputation. 良好的声誉

IVF 试管婴儿手术

surrogate 代替人

Independent Women 独立女人

argument, fighting 吵架

previous husband 前夫

officeromance 工作恋爱