F2F Class Notes (Adam)


Research on University of York online.


Appreciate – to grow a level of respect for something

eg: After going to the concert, my appreciation for classical music increased.

Online – on the internet

eg: I have to get online to complete my homework and do research.

Broaden your horizons – gain more life experiences

eg: I like to travel and experience new cultures to broaden my horizons

Improve – to get better at something

eg: I’ve been working hard to improve my grade in math class.

Tianzhen innocent – child-like and untainted

eg: The children were innocent.

Serious – very strict

eg: My work environment is too strict.


I become to like I gradually came to like

I have drawI have drew

I learn sketch I learned how to sketch

I and my boyfriendMy boyfriend and I

There are two peoplesThere are two people

His/her him/her

Children care centerChild care center


