F2F Class Notes (Adam)


Customs – entry and exit point in a country, like in an airport (海关)

eg: Every time I enter China, I have to go through customs first.

Minimum wage – the lowest salary that an employer can legally pay his or her employees

eg: The minimum wage in the United States is $8.00 per hour.

Routine – things that you do every day.

eg: My routine before I go to bed is to brush my teeth and take a shower.

Balanced diet – Eating the right amount of foods that are healthy for you (protein, vegetables, fruits, etc.)

Obesity – being overweight

eg: The obesity rate in the United States is very high.

Lungs – organs in your body that help you to breath.

eg: Smoking causes damage to your lungs.

Psychologist – a health professional that helps with mental illnesses.


Going vs. coming (Going = 去,  coming =来)

Make you health – …is healthy


Customers – kus-tuh-murs

Diet – dye-it