F2F Class Notes (Adam) [S]


Knot – a small bump on the body, a small injury

eg: My son bumped his head on the table and a small knot was on his forehead.


eg: Dominica was a colony of Spain

Europe – a large continent including countries such as France, Spain, and the UK

Continuously – to do something without stopping

eg: To learn English, I have to study continuously every day.

Traditional dance – folk dance of a country or ethnic group.

eg: People in Yunnan have their own style of traditional dance.

Condensed milk – very thick, sweet cream

eg: To make milk tea, you have to add condensed milk.

Turkey tuerqi, a country in the Middle East



Cigar – see gar

Champaign – sham pain

Mosque – mosk


I like swim – I like to swim

Speaking exercise

I have a young son, and Shanghai is an expensive city. I lived in Dominica. It is a beautiful country. The beach is very nice, and the sunlight and the champagne. The cigar is very nice. Many all-inclusive hotel. My husband live in Dominica for 20 years, so he knows what hotel is the best. The food is no good. I cook for myself. Dominica has some people from America, from Spanish, from Europe.