F2F Class Notes 9th September (Celeste)

I felt the water rushing by/over my arms/legs/body

I’m very confusingI was very confused.

I scooted / shimmied to get unstuck.

There was a bend/curve in the water slide. (left/right)

There was a slope/bump. (up/down)

What scares you and why?
I’m scared of somebody is yelling or be very serious at me. Because my father is very strict so, I think he gives me some shadows of my heart. That makes me very shy, don’t want to talk too much. Because he talks very serious. I’m very scared of scary movies. Do you know the Japanese scary movie? I think Japan makes the scariest scary movies in the world. When I was very young, like 7, my cousins really liked to watch them. I was very curious and I almost pissed my pants.


I’m scared of people yelling at me or being very serious with me. My father is very strict so, I have bad/sad memories of him. That makes me very shy, so I don’t like to talk too much with strangers.

I’m very scared of scary movies. Do you know the Japanese scary movies? I think Japan makes the scariest scary movies in the world. When I was very young, like 7, my cousins really liked to watch them. One day I watched a scary movie with them because I was very curious. I was so scared that I almost pissed my pants.