F2F Class Notes 8th May (Raph)[W]


Within (prep): 1- inside or not further than an area or period of time.
E.g.: Two thirds of Californians live within 15 miles of the coast.
E.g.: You should finish the exam within three hours.

So far (n): 1- until now.
E.g.: So far we’ve made £32,000.

Comfort Zone (n): 1- a situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested.
E.g.: Rock climbing pushes many people beyond their comfort zones.

Memory (n): 1- the ability to remember information, experiences, and people. 2- something that you remember from the past:
E.g.: After the accident he lost her memory.
E.g.: I have very clear memories of that evening.

Remember (v): 1- to be able to bring back a piece of information into your mind, or to keep a piece of information in your memory:
E.g.: “Where did you park the car?” “I can’t remember.”

Remembrance (n): 1- the act of remembering and showing respect for someone who has died or a past event.
E.g.: A church service was held in remembrance of the victims.


Not enough fast. – Not fast enough.

Writing exercise


I worry about my daughter that she always eat slowly in home, even her teacher told to me that she also ate a half of lunch in kid garden. When I ask she about the problem that she was sat in silence. I thought more way for her,such as let herself eat in the dining room that no one will talk to her in that time; or ask her finish it in 30 minutes. but now, she didn’t yet eat fast.


My daughter that always eats slowly at home, and her teacher even told to me that she usually only eats half of her lunch at the kindergarten. When I asked her about the problem, she sat in silence. I thought of other options, such as letting her eat in the dining room by herself, so no one would talk to her in that time, or asking her to finish within 30 minutes, but so far, she hasn’t yet eaten any faster.