F2F Class Notes 6th April (Celeste)[S/W]

Needs more review

cemetery – where dead people are

stuffed animal – Jesse has a stuffed toy lion in his office, 921, near his big computer.

I see a computer that has a keyboard.

I am playing with the toy screen.

When my t-shirt gets dirty with mud, I wash it and dry it.

Conan is a movie and it’s my favourite.



I go to Singapore once a year. 

I go to Tokyo Disneyland once a year. 

My birthday is once a year on November 18th.

Five days a week, I go to school.

Speaking exercise

Everyday, I sleep for 9 hours from 9 o’clock to 6 o’clock in the morning. It takes me 2 hours to get to school because it is very far away. I eat apples and eggs and drink water for breakfast in my car on my way to school.

Writing exercise

Today is Sam’s birthday. His whole family is very happy. They are singing a birthday song to him. All the people are smiling so I think they are very happy at the party. I think they will eat strawberry cake.