F2F Class Notes 6th April (Celeste)


go to ___ / go there = went to ___  / went there.

eg. I go to SE. / I go there. = I went to SE. / I went there. 

eg. I go to Jing’an Temple. / I go there. = I went to Jing’an Temple. / I went there. 

eg. I go to Ningbo. / I go there. = I went to Ningbo. / I went there. 

eg. I will go to MYST. / I will go there. 

eg. When I finish this class, I will go to the gym. / When I finish this class, I will go there. 

eg. After the gym, I will go home. 

around time = at almost time (not specific, not finished)

I get to work around 10:30am.  = I get to work at almost 10:30am.

You eat dinner around 5PM. = You eat dinner at almost 5PM.

I ate over the pizza around 5 minutes.

in an amount of time

eg. I finished the pizza in 5 minutes. (exactly 5 minutes) / I finished the pizza in almost 5 minutes. (not exact)

eg. I finished my project in 5 minutes. / I finished my project in almost 5 minutes.

eg. I finished my book in 2 days. / I finished my book in almost 2 days.

eg. I finished making my clothes in 2 months. / I finished making my clothes in almost 2 months.


finished sth at time

eg. I finished work at 6PM.