F2F Class Notes 5th April (Raph)


Prefer (v): 1-  to like, choose, or want one thing more than another
E.g.: You can seat wherever you prefer.

Polish (v): 1- to rub something using a piece of cloth or brush to clean it and make it shiny and smooth.
E.g.: She liked how shiny and beautiful the floors looked after she polished them.

Amusement (n): 1- the feeling of being entertained or made to laugh:
E.g.: She looked at him with amusement.

Amusing (adj): 1- funny or entertaining. 
E.g.: I was watching an amusing program on TV, which made me laugh out loud.

Literally (adv): 1- using the real or original meaning of a word or phrase.
E.g.: They were responsible for literally millions of deaths.

Role model (n): 1- a person who someone admires and whose behavior they try to copy.
E.g.: He was the founder of Atari and an entrepreneurial role model for Jobs

Wingman (n): 1- a friend who supports you, especially a man who supports another man when trying to meet or talk to possible partners:
E.g.: In these kinds of situations it always helps to have a good wingman.

Stint (n): 1- a fixed or limited period of time spent doing a particular job or activity.
E.g.: During my stint in the military, I travelled to many different countries.

Publicist (n): 1- someone who arranges publicity for a person or organization by giving information to reporters and television and radio companies and arranging public meetings and special events
E.g.: The company’s publicist didn’t want to make any comment about the issue.


Carousel: /ˌker.əˈsel/

Suicide: /ˈsuː.ə.saɪd/
