F2F Class Notes 5th April (Celeste)[W]***


Read the story in your next class focus on pronunciation.

Write a short story about your time at Nokia. Do you have a good memory to tell?


studio (STU D yo )

Writing exercise

Last weekend I went to Hongkong to visited to my old colleagues and friends. We had not seen each other in a long time. There are a gathering of friends everyday. We went a hike and had a dinner. There are a lot of delicious food and nice shopping area. I love Hongkong!I used to worked at a brand for 15 years. Every month I flew to Honkong and Beijing and came back to Shanghai.There are my youth dream and happy memories.


Last weekend I went to Hongkong to visit my former/previous colleagues and friends. We had not seen each other in a long time. We gathered everyday/We got together everyday. We went on a hike and had dinner./ We went hiking and had dinner. In HK, there is a lot of delicious food and nice shopping areas. I love Hongkong!I used to work at a brand company/a famous company/Nokia for 15 years where every month I flew to Honkong and Beijing from Shanghai. We were all very young when we worked at Nokia and we all had big dreams. We accomplished those dreams so I have many great memories from when I worked there.


Celeste works at SE where she teaches many classes.

Celeste works at SE where she is very happy.

I go to the store where they have many vegetables.

I study at SE where they have good teachers.

I practiced at Y+ Studio where there is a nice practice room / big yoga space / nice classroom. 


accomplish / accomplishing / accomplished (-t) / will accomplish – to complete a goal or dream

eg. Yuqing accomplishes her goal/dream to practice yoga everyday.

eg. I accomplish my travel to the world. –  I accomplish my dream to travel (around) the world.