F2F Class Notes 5th April (Celeste)***


Listen to the recording of the article below 2-3 times. Read the article with the recording, COPY the sounds. Be prepared to read the article in your next class.

Check out this website for English news articles: http://breakingnewsenglish.com


celeste ( suh – lest )

humorous ( HU mer – russ )

behavioral ***ULL

emotional ***ULL

said ( sed ) – Ed said he is sad.

flexible ( flek – sib – bull )



eg. The tv show is live.

eg. I live near Shanghai Stadium.

app – don’t spell when you say

podcast/s -a digital audio or video file or recording, usually part of a themed series, that can be downloaded from a website to a media player or computer

white skin – light skin

black skin – dark skin


I will to look I will look in a dictionary to learn how to pronounce the word.

Reading: Older mothers may raise happier children

Children of older mothers grow up happier. They have fewer behavioural social and emotional problems. A researcher said older mothers are more flexible and more easy-going. They do not shout at or hit their children so much. He said this means children grow up in a better world.

Older mothers worry less when pregnant. They are happier about having children. This means they are more caring. They also have good relationships, more money and a better education. Children of older mothers have better language skills. Maybe older mothers spend more time with their children and talk to them more.