F2F Class Notes 4th April (Celeste)***


What are your short term (6 months-1 year) and long term (2-5 years) goals? Think about professional and personal goals. Write your answers or prepare a short speech.

***Don’t memorise your short speech

Check out this website: https://www.thebalance.com/job-interview-questions-and-answers-2061204


memorize / memorizing / memorized / will memorize – to learn by heart

eg. Many children memorise new words in order to remember them.

remember / remembering / remembered / will remember – to think of again

eg. During this holiday, we remember our ancestors/deceased relatives/relatives who passed away. 

cemetery/graveyard – place where many dead people are placed

eg. I woke up very early to catch a bus to go to the cemetery where my grandparents are.

eg. I woke up very early to ride the bus for 1 and a half hours to go to the graveyard where my grandparents are buried.

Interview Preparation

  • What is your salary range? / What is your expected salary? Say an attainable/reachable/reasonable expected salary.