F2F Class Notes 4th April (Celeste)***


Look at the picture of The Big Book of English Words and write 8-10 example sentences. Focus on your grammar.


repair – There is a washing machine in my home and it is broken and I need to repair it. / My washing machine is broken and I need to repair it.

mechanic ( meh – can ik )n. – a person who fixes cars and other machines.

eg. Maybe a mechanic can repair the washing machine for me.

Garage ( guh – rohj ) n.: 1- a building where a car is kept, built next to or as part of a house. 2- a place where cars are repaired.

eg. Some garages are under buildings.

eg. Mechanics work at garages to repair cars.

Take off / taking off / took  off/ will take off (v): 1- If an airplane, bird, or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly:
E.g.: The plane took off at 8.30 a.m.

eg. My flight will take off at 12PM.

eg. A bird is taking off from the train.

land / landing / landed (-did) / will land 

eg. The plane is landing now.

religious ( rih – lih – jiss ) adj

eg. Most Chinese people are not religious.

eg. Are you religious? Yes, I am religious. / No, I’m not. 

religion ( rih – lih – jin ) n.

eg. What is your religion?  I am…

eg. I have no religion.

bible – The bible is a thick book.

siren ( SI – rin ) – There is a siren running.


Buddhism ( boo – dizum ) n. – fo jiao

eg. Most Chinese people believe in Buddhism.

Buddhist/s – person who believes in Buddhism

eg. Most Chinese people are Buddhists.

fashionable adj. – sth/sb is trendy, popular, current / sth or sb has fashion

eg. There will be many fashionable people at Shanghai Fashion Week.

ceremony ( sarah – MO nee ) – formal gathering to start or finish sth

eg. The opening ceremony for Mix-Place is on Friday.

There is a fashion talk show famous designers. – There is a fashion talk show with famous designers at the show room during fashion week. 

( – ) This is a dash.

( _ ) This is an underscore. > celeste_r@smartyingyu.com

( .com ) = dot com  > 119linq@164.com