F2F Class Notes 3rd April (Celeste)[S]***

Next Class: Continue editing the speaking below.

I fell asleep at….

2AM this morning

I chose to stay here. / I decided to stay here.

reflection – noun

reflect / reflecting / reflected / will reflect – to think, to ponder, to wonder, to meditate

Writing exercise

These days I think a lot. First is about why I must go to gym because every time after I finished my class I tired like a dead dog and sometimes I think I don’t like to do sports. I like laying and why should I abuse myself to do that. These days, I think the reason is I want to surprise all my family and friends because they think I’m lazy all the time. If I go home on October and I’m looks thin and beautiful it feels like I punched them in their face and my body will healthier than before. And I can wear some bikinis or amazing clothes to go to the party or some place. And another thing, I am thinking about why people changed so fast. It’s from my work, like if I boss tell me one thing he wants me to do, in the morning he’s thoughts are the plan A and in the afternoon, he will change like plan B. Most of the times, I finished what he’s asking me to do at noon. So, he always yelled/asks me why I did these things like that, not in another way. The other way is his new thought. At the beginning I will tell him, it’s you tell me to do like that. But then I find it’s useless because he will deny it. And the last one, maybe I will go back to college for physiology class. Then I can find why he thinks like that.


These days I think a lot. / These days, I have been thinking a lot. / These days I have been doing a lot of self reflection. 

First thing, why must I go to the gym if every time after I finish my class I am tired like a dead dog?  Sometimes I think I don’t like to do sports.

I like laying and why should I abuse myself to do exercise? These days, I think the reason is that/because I want to surprise all my family and friends because they think I’m lazy all the time. If I go home in October and I look thin and beautiful it will feel like I punched them in their faces and my body will be healthier than before. And I can wear some bikinis or amazing clothes to go to parties or some beaches.

And another thing, I am thinking about why do people change so fast? This has to do with my work, / My work makes me ask myself this question, like in the morning my boss tells me one thing he wants me to do, and in the afternoon, he will change his mind.


Most of the times, I finished what he’s asking me to do at noon. So, he always yelled/asks me why I did these things like that, not in another way. The other way is his new thought. At the beginning I will tell him, it’s you tell me to do like that. But then I find it’s useless because he will deny it. And the last one, maybe I will go back to college for physiology class. Then I can find why he thinks like that.