F2F Class Notes 29th September (Celeste) [2]***

Homework: Listen to the recording of Celeste reading the article. Read and listen to it at the same time. Review the vocabulary below by making new sentences with them.

Online gaming may improve school test scores

Maybe video games aren’t so bad. A study shows that teenagers who regularly played games improved their test scores. However, social media use lowered exam results. In the study, researchers analysed the online activities of over 12,000 15-year-olds worldwide. It looked at their maths, reading and science scores. The study concluded that skills associated with online gaming matched those needed for maths, reading, and science.

Critics said the findings may not be relevant today because the games are now outdated. An education expert said while the study should make headlines, it doesn’t reflect today’s online gaming. However, the expert said children could learn useful skills to help their learning while gaming. She said: “Many games involve…problem solving [and] goal setting.” Conversely, students who used social media a lot scored 20 points less on maths tests.

Read more: http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1608/160813-online-gaming.html#ixzz4JXi5PhSc

improve ( im – prooove ) / improving / improved / will improve v. – to get better at sth, to make progress

eg.  Celeste wants to improve her dance moves.

eg. Michael wants to improve his grammar and reading.

eg. Michael is improving his English levels.

13-19 years old  / thirteen, fourteen, fifteen… – teenagers

regularly – often, most days, most of the time

eg. I regularly eat breakfast.

eg. I regularly play video games.

exam results / test scores ( sk – ORs ) n. – levels ( le – vulls ), grades

social media  ( so – shull  mee – dee – uh ) – Wechat, Facebook, Instagram

researchers ( ree – ser – chers ) n. – people who research/study, people who want to find information

research ( ree – serch ) / researching / researched (ree – ser – cht ) / will research v. – to find information

eg. Researchers researched the animals in the ocean.

eg. Researchers researched the meat in the supermarket.

analyze /  analyzing / analyzed / will analyze v. – to look at the information that was researched and try to understand it

of over 12,000 = more than 12,000

worldwide = all over the world / everywhere on Earth

associated ( uhh – so – C – A – tid ) v.- to connect, sth that goes with sth else, to go together

eg. Michael is associated with that restaurant.

eg. Michael is associated with the Zhongshan Park.

match / matching / matched / will match  – similar or the same, go together