F2F Class Notes 29th March (Celeste)[W]


overwhelmed  ( over – wellm d )

eg. Danielle might feel overwhelmed because she broke her arm and has numerous projects to


eg. I was overwhelmed with joy when I learned that I got a promotion.

eg. I’m overwhelmed with happiness from the amazing gift from my boss.


Don’t hand in homework rushly  – Don’t hand in homework in a rush / Don’t rush when you hand in homework

Writing exercise

Dear Boss,

I was completely surprised when you gave me my new, beautiful Coach bag. I was overwhelmed with joy and excitement especially when I found the money in the wallet. I had no idea, I was so ecstatic!

I can’t express how touched I am that you were thinking of me while you were in the US. My heart is filled with appreciation and happiness.

I’m so thankful to be a part of this team and company, and I look forward to our new projects together.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
