F2F Class Notes 29th March (Celeste)[S]


Present Perfect:  We have worked together for almost one year.

Present Perfect Progressive: We have been working together for almost one year.

 Present Progressive: We are working together since last year.


prevent / preventing / prevented / will prevent – to keep from occurring; to keep from happening

eg. April takes medicine to prevent getting sick.

Speaking exercise

I watched a zombie movie 3 weeks ago. It’s the season 6, it’s the last one of all this type. Do you know what I am talking? I don’t remember the name. But i think it’s a bad ending for me. All things are so quick to finished like the movie didn’t have any soul like the directors wants it ended very quickly and I rewatched the first season 2 days ago I still think it’s a great movie and I like the main actress. She’s very smart and strong/masculine too but sadly she’s a clone person. This movie is like underground… it’s about vampire and the actors are the same type, like they all strong and smart and can assist the leader and the leader they are bad because the leader all wants their power, their energy I think to rule the whole world.


I watched Resident Evil/ a zombie movie 3 weeks ago. It’s the 6th installment, it’s the last one. Do you know what I am talking about? I don’t remember the name. In my opinion, it was a bad ending. The movie was quickly produced/made/filmed like the movie didn’t have any soul like the directors wanted it to end very quickly. I re-watched the first movie/original movie/first installment 2 days ago I still think it’s a great movie and I like the main actress. She’s very smart and strong/masculine/manly too but sadly she’s a clone. This movie looks like Underworld which is about vampires and werewolves/lycans.   The characters are the same type, like they are all strong and smart and can assist the leader but the leaders all want power and energy  to rule the whole world.