F2F Class Notes 28th March (Celeste)[W]***


Finish reading “A Little Princess” and write a summary of what you read.

Writing exercise

Homework: Read another 5 chapters of “A Little Princess” and write a summary of what you read.

I have read to Chapter 16 of “A Little Princess”. The heroine, Sara became a maid after her father, Captain Crewe died without money. She had to finish her errands day and night in all kind of weather.
But the situation changed when an Indian man came to England. The Indian man was Captain Crewer’s best friend. He was looking for Captain’s daughter.
But now, he didn’t know Sara was the girl he was looking for.
The Indian man was living beside Sara’s school, he was moved by Sara’s kindness and was sympathy for her situation. He sent to Sara food and clothes in secret. Sara was very thankful the man who helped her.
Mrs. Minchin, the headmaster of the school became nice to Sara again because she knew a rich guy was helping Sara.
I’m quietly interested in Mrs. Minchin when I read this scene.
I realized that Mrs. Minchin was a simple woman who only cared about money.
What’s her situation when the Indian guy realized Sara was the girl who he was looking for, and when Sara became rich again.


I have read to Chapter 16 of “A Little Princess”. The heroine, Sara, became a maid after her father, Captain Crewe, died without leaving her any fortune/ he died and left her penniless / money. She had to finish her errands day and night in all kinds of weather.
But the situation changed when an Indian man came to England. The Indian man was Captain Crewe’s best friend. He was looking for the captain’s daughter / for Crewe’s daughter /for Captain Crewe’s daughter.
At this time (in the story), he didn’t know Sara was the girl who he was looking for.
The Indian man was living beside Sara’s school, he was moved by Sara’s kindness and was sympathetic for her situation. He sent Sara food and clothes in secret. Sara was very thankful to the man who helped her.
Ms. Minchin, the headmaster of the school, became nice to Sara again because she knew a rich/wealthy/powerful/well-off guy was helping Sara.
I’m quite interested in Ms. Minchin when I read this scene.
I realized that Ms. Minchin is a simple woman who only cares about money/wealthy/riches/fortune.
What will happen to Ms. Minchin when the Indian guy realizes Sara is the girl who he is looking for, and when Sara becomes rich again.


I want Ms. Minchin to be put in the same situation that she put Sara in.

Money can’t buy happiness.  / Money isn’t everything. / The best things in life are free. / The best things in life are not things.