F2F Class Notes 28th February (Celeste)[S]***


Write a plan or list of your yearly goals. Upload it to the website.

Speaking exercise

My favorite was begin at the last 30 min before movie end because most parts of the movie talk about youth/young men and dreams. They are on the way to made their dream come true but my favorite part was talk more about love and reality. That touched me a lot because I will remember some relevant things about myself. We have the same feeling in that part. Years ago you have a friend, you have the same dreams and you fight for that together but finally you divided. Some expression the director used was special. He used some cut style like slideshow he put some imagination of the actors and actress. That imagination like a happy ending which most people like but the reality is opposite to it. That reminded you you should face the reality around you. That movie leave a regret by this ending.


My favorite part of the movie was at the last 30 minutes. Most of the movie tells about/deals with youth and dreams. The main roles/main characters/lead characters are on their way to make their dreams come true but my favorite part was about love and reality. That really touched my heart because I remembered some relevant memories/experiences. The movie is relatable. For example, when you were younger, you and your friend had the same dreams and you fought for the same dream/for those dreams together but, finally you separated. The director used some special effects. He used some cutting effects like slideshow to show/tell the lead characters’ imagination. They imagine a happy ending like most people but the reality is opposite. That reminded me I should face the reality around me. That movie made me pity the characters at the end.


example ( egg- zam – pull )

separated ( sep – puh – ray – tid )