F2F Class Notes 27th November (Peter)

*Class started 15 minutes late

Corrections (original – corrected)

You has a point – you have a point

My point of Lucca – my opinion of Lucca

I will nervous if he is cute – I would be nervous if he was cute


Vocabulary 词汇

Mosque – a place of worship (church) for Muslims.

Intimidate – to make shy or scared

Ex. Big dogs often intimidate smaller dogs.

Picky – only liking specific things

Ex. My son is very picky, he does not eat anything green.

Condition – to train

Ex. By ringing the bell every time he gave the dog food, the scientist conditioned the dog to become hungry when he heard the bell.

Expressions 成语

To “put on a front” is similar to saying “to perform;” it means that someone is acting insincerely, 不真心的.