F2F Class Notes 27th March (Celeste)


Zombie is a dead person that can move. / Zombies are dead people that can move.

You can show off anything that you are good at.

I am good at swimming. / I can show off my swimming skills.

apocalypse (uh – pok – uh – lips ) –any universal or widespread destruction or disaster

eg. If a nuclear war takes place the world will become apocalyptic. (adj)

eg. If it took place, the world would be in apocalypse.

Do you have a creative side?

Yes, I have some creative sides.

Imaginary is not real.


Sb who is creative, might be imaginative.

Steve Jobs created the iPhone, therefore he was creative. Therefore if he was creative, he was imaginative.

naive ( NI – eve ) – lacking experience/very simple minded

eg. Children are often seen as naive. 


Adults are often seen as serious.

I consider Tom as my friend.  / Tom was seen as naive.