F2F Class Notes 26th April (Celeste)***


Write  1 example sentence for each word: con man, pretend, average, damage, and emotion.

Needs more review

Scam (n): 1- an illegal plan for making money, especially one that involves tricking people
E.g.: I have a friend who fell into the Chinese Tea scam here in Shanghai.
eg. I went to a little shopping scam in Thailand. 
eg. I bought a phone scam in Taobao. – There are many scams on Taobao. 

Fake (adj): 1- something made to look real or valuable in order to deceive people, but has no real quality or brand.
E.g.: That painting was a fake.
eg. The computer was a fake.

Identity (n): 1- who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group that make them different from others. 2- ID.
E.g.: The man’s identity was being kept secret while he was helping police with enquiries.
eg. My identity is important to me.
eg. His identity was stolen in the scam.

Con man (n): 1- a person who deceives other people by making them believe something false or making them give money away
E.g.: The famous con man was just arrested by the policy.
eg. The con man scammed the tourists to buy fake handbags.


Pretend (v): 1- to behave as if something is true when you know that it is not, especially in order to deceive people or as a game:
E.g.: He pretended he didn’t care, but I knew that he did.

Average (n): 1- the result you get by adding two or more amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amounts:
E.g.: The average of the three numbers 7, 12, and 20 is 13, because the total of 7, 12, and 20 is 39, and 39 divided by 3 is 13.

Damage (n): 1- to harm or spoil something. 2- æŸä¼¤
E.g.: Many buildings were badly damaged during the war.

Emotion (n): 1- a strong feeling such as love or anger, or strong feelings in general. 2- 情感
E.g.:  Like a lot of people, he finds it hard to express his emotions.


work computer all day I worked on my computer all day

scam / scamming / scammed / will scam  v. – to cheat people and take their money or things

eg. The shop owners in Thailand like to scam tourists to buy bad products.

eg. I was scammed when I bought a phone on Taobao.






gentle – gen tull

clothes ( close )

oil ( oi – yull )