F2F Class Notes 22nd September (Raph)

Pass away (v): 1- to die.
E.g.: She passed away in her sleep.

Fin (n): 1- a flattened appendage on various parts of the body of many aquatic vertebrates, including fish and cetaceans, and some invertebrates, used for propelling, steering, and balancing.
E.g.: They saw the shark fin and swam as fast as they could.

Surfboard (n): 1- a long, narrow shaped board used in surfing.
E.g.: She just bought a new surfboard.

Whale (n): 1- an often very large animal that lives in the ocean and that is a mammal rather than a fish.
E.g.: They saw a whale show at Sea World.

Surface (n): 1- the upper layer of an area of land or water. 2- the flat, top part of something (such as a table or desk) that you can work on.
E.g.: Whales need to swim to the surface of the water to take a breath.

Controversial (adj): 1- relating to or causing much discussion, disagreement, or argument : likely to produce controversy.
E.g.: Sea World’s whale and dolphin shows are very controversial.

Circus (n): 马戏团