F2F Class Notes 22nd March (Raph)


Write an email that is a pitch to a client for a new advertising contract. The company is a multinational brand that sells sugar water.


On demand (adv): 1- at any time that someone wants or needs something.
E.g.: They believe that abortion should be available on demand.

Demanding (adj): 1- needing a lot of time, attention, or energy:
E.g.: She’s a very demanding child.

Procrastinate (v): 1- to keep delaying something that must be done, often because it is unpleasant or boring.
E.g.: I know I’ve got to deal with the problem at some point – I’m just procrastinating.

Inevitable (adj): 1- certain to happen and unable to be avoided or prevented:
E.g.: The accident was the inevitable consequence of carelessness.


The current position of my. – My current position.

Show our polite. – Show our politeness. / Show that we are polite.


Grumble: /ˈɡrʌm.bəl/

Slovakia: /sloʊˈvæk.i.ə/

Hungary: /ˈhʌŋ.ɡər.i/