F2F Class Notes 22nd March (Celeste)***


Write a short story about why you love watercolors.


official ( uff – fish – ull )  ***LLL, tip of your tongue goes outside of your teeth


official – I have an official note/document.

I have a cup which I like.

I have a cup which is white and has a lion.

I have a sweater which is red and I love it.

I have shoes which is are green and grey and I love it them too.

I have pants which are black and I love them too.

I have some bracelets ( bray slits ) which are red and silver.

You have a sweater which is grey.

You have shoes which are black.

You have a big ball which I like and it’s grey.

Jesse and Celeste have a student named Qiulin who is also named Lyn.

I have a friend who is named Elinda.

I have a teacher who is Jesse.

I have a teacher who is named Celeste.

I have an English class once a day. 

I have an English in the evening once a day.

Once a day, I have an English class in the evening.

Once a day in the evening, I have an English class.

I came come to here once a day.

I paint once a day. = Once a day,  I paint.

I often paint once a day in the evening. = Once a day in the evening, I often paint.

I have a coffee once a day. = Once a day, I have a coffee.

I have a coffee in the morning once a day. = Once a day in the morning I have a coffee with milk to start work.

Once a day in the morning at about 9 o’clock I have a coffee with milk to wake me up before I start work.

I read a book twice a day. = Twice a day, I read a book.

I often read a fashion magazine twice a day in the morning and afternoon. = Twice a day, in the morning and afternoon I often read a fashion magazine because I love fashion.

I have 3 meals 3 times a day. = Three times a day, I have 3 meals. = I have 3 meals a day.


once a day > twice a day > 3 times a day 4,5,6…. > several times a day

 trumpet flowers – man tuo luo

eg. Trumpet flowers are poisonous.  ( poi – zin  – iss )