F2F Class Notes 21st March (Celeste)***


Listen to the recording 2-3 times. Copy the sounds. Read the story below in your next class.


I don’t have sth – I don’t have dancing class. / I don’t have coffee.  / I don’t have long hair. / I don’t have my phone. / I don’t have a new bag. / I don’t have the new vacation plan.  / I don’t have time. / I don’t have money. / I don’t have space in my house.

In Sanya more men like to be topless on the street.

In Sanya more men are topless on the street.

Most of the topless men have the beer belly. – Most of the topless men have beer bellies.

Before my flight, I need to check-in at the counter and show them my passport.

Sometimes, I need send my bag to plane. – Sometimes, I need to check my suitcase/luggage.

I drove car to airport. – I drove my car to the airport. / I drove my car to Hongqiao Airport.

I took a taxi to Honqiao Airport. / I took a taxi to the airport.

Before When I arrive at the hotel I need to check into the hotel first.


Have you eaten lunch? – Chinglish


Person 1:

How are you? / How is work?

How are things? / How is everything?

How is your day? / How was your weekend? (last weekend, usually said on Mondays)

Person 2: I’m awful / I’m having a bad day / I’m fine or OK / Good, Pretty good, Great! / I’m having an amazing day! Everything is great! How are you?

Person 1: I’m good, fantastic, wonderful… Why are you having a good/bad day?

Person 2: Because…


***Practice the underlined words 3 times with the recording.

In the morning we practiced Mysore yoga, which is a type of morning yoga. After 2 hours, we finished class and began to do parayama which is a special breathing technique and breathing / standard meditation for about 45 minutes to have a rest. Then, we had congee for breakfast together for 30 minutes in a restaurant but I didn’t think it was very good. After breakfast we had the 3rd class which was learning how to do ashtanga yoga.

after **ter

breathing ( bree – THing )

then ***TH

congee ( con G )

breakfast ( brek – fist )