F2F Class Notes 20th September (Celeste)


And if you ask me which part of the show was my favorite, it definitely is my favorite teacher Exon’s. That part also was the climax of the entire show. He was dressed in white, started standing in a spotlight around dark, he danced contemporary with the song <Alive > by Sia, this is such a powerful song and Exon danced as well. His beautiful movement is perfect match with the sound, and his passion and energy killed all the audience. After his fabulous performance is the final show, finally is my turn. all the students got on the stage and Exon was in the center, we performed together in this final part which is the song <desire> by Years&years. I love this song so much as well as the choreography, obviously Exon made this.


And if you ask me which part of the show was my favorite, it definitely was my favorite teacher, Exon’s dance/performance. His part was the best of the entire show. He was dressed in white and the dance started with him standing on the stage in the dark with a spotlight shining down on him. He danced contemporary to the song “Alive” by Sia, this is such a powerful song and Exon was just as powerful. His beautiful movements were a perfect match with the sound, and his passion and energy killed all the audience. After his fabulous performance was the finale, finally it was my turn. All the students got on the stage and Exon was in the center, we performed together in this final part which was to the song “Desire” by Years&years.  I love this song so much as well as the choreography. The finale gave me an adrenaline rush. When all the students joined him on the stage, it was like a big celebration dance of the studio and all its success.

presentation n. – a speech

present / presents / presenting v. – introducing

finale ( fin – AL – lee )

save the best for last