F2F Class Notes 20th November (Peter)

Corrections (original – corrected)

Yesterday, I have a lesson with Tony – Yesterday, I had a lesson with Tony

I had working here about more than five years – I’ve worked there for more than five years

When I joined the company, I got some improves – when I joined the company, my salary improved

But, I will have two babies 19 January 2017 – but, we have another on the way (meaning: we are having another child soon)

I know you mean – I know what you mean


Vocabulary 词汇

Idiom – a sentence that means something other than its real meaning, 成语

Literal – real, direct, actual

Slang – informal, unofficial

Likely – possibly, probably

Ex. He normally arrives late. It’s likely that he will be late today, too.

Ultrasound – a kind of test given to pregnant women to monitor (inspect) the baby’s health

Monitor – verb, to inspect over time

Ex. Parents often like to monitor their children’s height.

Visa – written permission to visit or stay in a country, 签证

Sex – identification as male or female, 性别*

*Note: sometimes the word “gender” is used, even though they are a little different.

Gender – similar to sex, but a little less

Encourage – verb, to make someone feel brave enough to continue

Intimidating – scary, usually because of appearance or personality

Ex. Military leaders are normally very intimidating.

Hospitable – to make someone feel comfortable

Ex. Many people consider Chinese culture to be very hospitable to foreigners.

Arab – 阿拉伯

Elite – usually used for rich people, means to not be hospitable, to only talk to a few people

Expressions 成语

You can say “statistically” if you want to say “data shows…”

Ex. Statistically, Americans speak less languages than Europeans.

The question “how can I tell if…” means “how can I know if…”

Ex. You can tell someone is rich if they have name brand clothes.