F2F Class Notes 1st November (Celeste)***

Next class: continue learning about ‘of’.


in front of <> behind

eg. Suzy is in front of Celeste. Claire is behind Suzy.

part of sth

eg. We are a part of a group.

eg. They are a part of a team.

Q: Nothing crazy happened to you today? = Has anything crazy happened to you today?

A: Yes, _____ happened!

A: No, nothing crazy happened.


womb ( wooooom ) n. – the uterus of the human female and certain higher mammals.

eg. If your womb is cold, it is not easy to get pregnant.

repeat ( re – peet ) / repeating / repeated / will repeat v. – to do sth again and again and again etc.

eg. When I can’t remember a new word, I need to repeat it.

write / writing / wrote ( rOh – t ) / will write v.

eg. Last night I wrote on my application for my American visa. I spent two hours on it/writing it/on my visa.

I want to get an American visa for 10 years / I want to get a 10 year American visa. On November 8th it is the United States Presidential Election. I think after the election it will be harder to get an American visa because Hilary Clinton and Donald Trump don’t like China.

There are two main parties. They are the democrats and republicans.

democrat ( demuh – crat )

republican ( ree – pub – lik – kin )

Hilary Clintondemocratic presidential candidate

Donald Trumprepublican presidential candidate